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Pilker SILLEN Abu Garcia
Silver | Orange/Black | Holographic Blue | H-White/Blue | H-S/Red |
H-S/Black |
1056562 | |||||
1056564 | |||||
1056565 | |||||
1056567 | |||||
1056568 | |||||
1056570 | |||||
1096781 | |||||
1096782 | |||||
1096783 | |||||
1127028 | |||||
1127029 | |||||
1127030 | |||||
1127031 | |||||
1127032 | |||||
1127033 | |||||
1134631 | |||||
1134632 | |||||
1134633 |
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Pilker Abu Sillen
Has ever since it was introduced been noted for catching big fish. One of the most spectacular is the 34,5kg cod becoming the new Norwegian record. Sillen is a pilk for big fish in deep but also shallower waters.