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Рыбалка / Воблеры
ID страницы: 4271

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The Sweeper is the youngest child in glidebait family. Thanks to its tough, high quality build values and amazing effectiveness for large predators, this lure gains more and more new fans every season.

The goal of fishing a Sweeper is to imitate a baitfish that is injured or is very weak. Their confused state makes them dart in one direction then simply glide in the water to re-gain their strength and then they dart in another. This fast to slow action is what a predator fish is looking for in an easy meal. You can cast or troll a Sweeper, but casting gives you the best ability to vary the retrieve techniques to get a strike. To make the Sweeper glide, you simply start with your rod tip pointed at the horizon, you then snap your rod tip downward then pause, snap it again and the lure will dart the other direction and glide. The length of time between your snaps and the briskness of your rod snap will control how wide of a glide the bait will make. For this reason a rod with a stiff tip is preferred when fishing this lure. The Sweeper is a slow sinking lure specifically designed for this type of fishing since this is exactly what injured baitfish do, they slowly start to sink. You can expect most of your strikes to occur just after you snap the bait and it is gliding or almost standing completely still. Be sure to watch the Sweeper water in the water if you can. Often times you will watch the bait gliding and the fish attack, it is one of easiest and more most enjoyable lures you will ever fish.

  • Unique Lateral Tail Fin

  • Through-wire construction

  • Individually Hand Tuned & Tank Tested

  • Premium Black Nickel VMC Hooks

  • Type: sinking

  • Diving depth: 0,5/0,5 m

  • Hooks: two # 1

  • Length: 12 cm

  • Weight: 34 g

Sweeper jäljendab vigastatud, haavatud ning nõrka kala. Lant liugleb aeglaselt ühes suunas, seejärel sööstab teisele poole. Kombinatsioon kiirest ja aeglasest landimängust peibutab röövkalasid suurepäraselt, töötades eriti hästi just kerides, mis annab parima võimaluse mängida püügitehnikaga.

  • Unikaalne sabaosa.

  • Esmaklassilised mustad VMC nikkelkonksud.

  • Individuaalselt käsitsi seadistatud ja testitud.

  • Tüüp: uppuv.

  • Sukeldumissügavus loopides: 0,5 m.

  • Sukeldumissügavus trollides: 0,5 m.

  • Konksud: kaks # 1.

  • Pikkus: 12 cm.

  • Kaal: 34 g.

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