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Spinner PIRAT Atemi
CO1 | CO2 | CO7 | CO3 | CO4 |
CO5 | CO6 |
509-25261 | |||||
509-25262 | |||||
509-25263 | |||||
509-25271 | |||||
509-25272 | |||||
509-25273 | |||||
509-25281 | |||||
509-25282 | |||||
509-25283 | |||||
509-25291 | |||||
509-25292 | |||||
509-25293 | |||||
509-25301 | |||||
509-25302 | |||||
509-25303 | |||||
509-25311 | |||||
509-25312 | |||||
509-25313 | |||||
509-25321 | |||||
509-25322 | |||||
509-25323 |
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A classic lure from Atemi to attract predatory fish. The red attachment on the hook helps to make the lure even more attractive to the fish.
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