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Prunning tool sharpener SL-TY18 Smiths
Kalastus / Retkeiily / Vapaa aika / Teroittimet
Sivu tunnus: 5932

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Smith’s® handheld Pruning Tool Sharpener is the perfect tool to use for keeping your garden pruning tools in prime condition. This simple and easy to use sharpener uses a preset carbide blade to quickly put a smooth, sharp edge on your blade in just minutes. It has a durable plastic head, oversized handle, and a large finger guard for safe and secure sharpening at all times. It also comes with a wire-bristled cleaning brush that stores conveniently in the product handle.

  • Durable head for easier sharpening
  • Quickly sharpens hedge shears, pruning shears, and loppers with just a few easy pulls
  • Cleaning brush with wire bristles stores in handle
  • Oversized handle allows for use with gloves
  • Large safety guard
  • Replaceable carbide blade

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